Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How to register in coinxpro.com

How to register in www.coinxpro.com?

Step 1: Go to http://coinxpro.com and click on Sign up.

Step 2: Fill in the details and register by clicking on sign up.

Step 3: Verify your email.

Step 4: Enable Two Factor Authenticator.
(To do so please download google authenticator from play store or iTunes, scan the QR code or put the 6-digit password and click on Enable)
    Google Authenticator     

You have completed the registration.

How to Deposit coins?

Step 1: Click on Funds, you will see a list of coins you can trade with.

Step 2: Click on deposit on which ever cryptocurrency you would like to deposit.
Step 3: Scan the QR code or copy your address and paste it at the place from where you want to send           (mobile wallet, E-wallet, Internal wallet, Etc)

Step 4: Once the block chain is initiated, check for confirmation in deposit History below, wait for some time for the block chain to complete and see your coins deposited to your account.

Deposit for Realpoints members.

Step 1: Click on Funds, you will see a list of coins you can trade with.
Step 2: Click on deposit on which ever cryptocurrency you would like to deposit.
Step 3: Copy your address. (Make sure you copy it correctly)
[For pictures please see above]
Step 4: Open your Realpoints account, on the left side bottom click on RPT wallet and then on                     Manage wallet address.

Step 5: Enter wallet name (you can put any name that you remember), paste the address below (make           sure that you put the correct address) and click on save.

Step 6: Click on Accounts, Coins Account. then click on send coins to wallet.

Step 7: Select your wallet by clicking on Search wallet address, view all, select and add.
            Your wallet name will appear, enter how many coins you would like to send, put your                       transaction password and send. Your coins will be sent in 24 hours.

Step 8: Once the block chain is initiated, check for confirmation in deposit History below, wait for some time for the block chain to complete and see your coins deposited to your account.

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