Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Cryptocurrency Growth is on You..

The title of this article enlightens very important point and a good question, who is suppose to grow?
And the simple answer to it is ‘You’.

Now putting the situation of Bitcoin in front with just a pseudonym that created it, how has it grown? Is there a company behind that owns it and is responsible for its growth?
-         No, it is because of people like us who want to grow.
There are people who want to grow bitcoin and make it usable; there are people who want to trade with bitcoin.
And if any cryptocurrency grows its only because people want it to grow.
The same is the case with RealPointCoin.
It is not the Price right now that is important but it is the growth that is important. Realpoints is constantly working on its growth phase. The more it grows the better value the coin will have.
What can you do? – Think and Act.
A lot of people rely just on the company to grow or the coin to grow itself on its own where as there are others who just think and do nothing about it.
Do not be like those, Act upon and make things profitable for you. You own a cryptocurrency? Good now you are an entrepreneur and cryptocurency is your product. Start branding and make it grow.
Each and every cryptocoin you have, counts..
Do it before others and it is better to live in profit than in regret.
Let’s grow cryptocurrency.. Let’s grow RPT..
Say Yes to Realpoints – ‘The Best of its Kind’.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Opportunity Awaits

Opportunity often knocks your door, we ignore it and we start blaming our fate for not giving us enough chance in life.
It is easy to criticize and while you do that you become ignorant of all the good opportunities around you.

We often hear this question, what Realpoints have to offer.

Now the question arises, are you like others who are being ignorant of the things around?

Realpoints have given you so many chances to save your money as well as grow your money. Few wise people have made good use of the opportunities. So why are others not doing so??

It’s simple, because you do not pay attention to the opportunities offered to you.
Yes, the recent offer of Realpoints is a big hit and one of the best offers for an individual to earn good money. We know all want to earn money; therefore this opportunity is placed in front of you. Grab it and make the most of it. If you want to earn good money and grow up your investment, take this opportunity and use it. Do not regret later, rather make the most of it now.

The double offer offers its members two things,

  • 15% off on packages (up to 3 package) which means save money and get good benefit of your investment.
  • 15% bonus on the amount paid to the sponsor, Sponsor this is your time to earn, you worked for it and you deserve more and we give you more.


Get up and work for it. You are the only one who can do it, only if you wish to.
Let’s grow together,

Say yes to Realpoints – The Best of its Kind.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Realpoints Double Offer

Why does realpoints come up with offers? Have you ever wondered? Have you ever thought why other companies don’t give you what Realpoints gives you?
Here’s Why,
Realpoints believes that the money of its members is precious and is earned through hard work . Everybody wants to save money and with these offers Realpoints not just helps to save money but also gives you the opportunity to earn more.
By giving offers we are not just making our members rich but also connecting to new people.
So what should one do now? Its simple, grab the opportunity and don’t miss the Double offer.
Also watch the video if you haven’t watched it yet, where Dr. Alanki Murali Krishna speaks about his vision about Realpoints Academy.